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  1. We are all pretty new to leather working around here, and what we were looking at what leather weight would work best for replicating this piece. My wife is a seamstress so the dummy portion of this isn't a challenge, identifying the leather is always our problem when we are looking at other peoples pieces ;P Thanks again for you time guys
  2. Trying to figure out if the undernieth mterial is indeed leather and if so what kind and weight would I need to duplicate it?
  3. I use usually between 9 to 12 oz.. just make sure any rivets you are using are for armor or they can pull out. As far as chaffing goes I usually get the ruff draft of it done and invite a buddy or two over to play before doing any reall finish work. That way you haven't done anymajor edge work decore just to find out you need to cut into it to make more room here and there. Hope this is helpful LB
  4. I am not very familiar with differant kinds of leather. I am familiar mostly with deer, pig, cow, and sheep leather. How would kangaroo compare? I am hoping to make a long flowingish skirt....I know deer would work, but I have found an amazing color in kangaroo I would like to use. I just really don't want to order something that won't work.
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