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Everything posted by aussiejohnno

  1. Thanks for your advice everyone. Maybe I should try double-sided tape. The plexiglass idea is a good one for more than a one off. I could use it as a template as well for marking holes and perhaps use a few cotton stiches to hold things and do away with adhesives all together. The lighter fluid would have been a good idea if I had already committed myself. Fortunately I asked for advice before I had the chance to stuff it up. I'll look for the Chan Geer video too. It may be on Youtube if I'm lucky.
  2. I'm a first time leather hobbyist and have purchased the Beginner's Starter kit from Tandy, In the accompanying DVD, they show that to make a leather wallet, one should glue a piece of cardboard behind the leather to avoid it stretching and deforming during the stamping process. The supplied contact glue was used to do this. Can anyone recommend the best way to later remove the cardboard without leaving a messy glue residue with bits of cardboard attached?
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