Hi all.
I have a question regarding which type of machine I should buy.
I allready have an old Singer 29K62, but it cant handle the tasks I need anymore. So I have been looking (a lot) on the internet hoping to find a new (used) one but I dont want to spend a lot of (my girlfriends) money and then end up with the wrong machine.
So I really hope that someone can help me with deciding on one of the 3 below.
Adler 169
Adler 269
Adler 205
My primarely requirements are:
Cylinder Machine with walking foot.
Must be able to sew both thin leather, and thick leather. (e.g. leather pants, and heavy harnesses)
Which one can handle the thickest leather of the 3?
Does anybody know what the difference is between the 3 machines regarding this, and what the staminar is. Which is more durable of the 3?
We are located in Denmark, and this type of sewing machine are very expensive and not that commen in DK, so the plan right now is that we are going to order one from the US, and have it shipped here.
I hope that there are a lot of experts in here that can help me/us so that we can move with the process of buying a new machine.
Kind regards