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Everything posted by PapaCannoli

  1. I've been using pre cut blanks form tandy. And you can never have too many cannolis.
  2. How do I stop my belts from stretching so much? I expected a little stretch but not as much as I am seeing. Been using Veg tan and Saddle Skirt.
  3. These were all concerns that I had had and had explained to him prior. He tells me that it wants it more for the look than the function. I was more concerned about the “hold my beer” type incident. This confirms my suspicions that it shouldn’t be done. I will tell him to buy the proper gear that he needs. Thank you.
  4. Hello all, I am pretty new to leather working and have made several standard veg tan belts from blanks. I have a friend who wants me to make him a belt that could potentially be used to hold his weight (220lbsish). More of a harness. What leather would I use for this or should I tell him not really feasible. Thanks
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