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About grywolf

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    New Member

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  • Interested in learning about
    motorcycle seats, bible covers
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. I am working with 4/5 oz leather to make a book cover and this batch of leather is the same weight that I have used in the past but it is much more stiff, I mean it is almost like a piece of cardboard. I am rather new at working with leather and my funds are rather limited. 1. How do I soften the leather up and make it more pliable and soft. 2. Should I do before I tool the leather? Thank you in advance for the advice and help. God Bless
  2. Hello my name is Glenn and I am a disabled veteran and I am getting into leather working as a hobby to keep me busy since I am no longer working. I am married, happily for 17 years and have a beautiful 16 year old daughter who like me to make her stuff. So any help and advice would be great, just keep in mind I am working on a limited income. I am looking forward to learning from you all. God Bless GC
  3. I am working with 4/5 oz leather to make a book cover and this batch of leather is the same weight that I have used in the past but it is much more stiff, I mean it is almost like a piece of cardboard. I am rather new at working with leather and my funds are rather limited. 1. How do I soften the leather up and make it more pliable and soft. 2. Should I do before I tool the leather? Thank you in advance for the advice and help. God Bless GC
  4. Here are my first attempts at bible covers, I did not read the one bottle correct and I thought it was a stain not dye. I am very new to this and feedback on how I can do better is welcome.
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