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Kate Rixon

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Longwick, UK
  • Interests
    Hand carved leatherwork, mainly bags, belts, dog collars - have dogs, horses & husband

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Hand carved veg tanned items
  • Interested in learning about
    everything leather work
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    browsing for information

Kate Rixon's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/4)

  1. Hello, King's X, thankyou!
  2. Hi, Tom!! Thanks for the welcome message! I will put some pics on when I have any good ones to show you - I fear they will not be as good as some others on here! I tend to wait until someone wants an item, to save on leather, but I have an idea or two in mind! Hi, Paul!! Not a million miles away from me here then! Thanks for the encouraging message too - I have already had an answer to a query about a Singer 132K6 (I am a novice with industrial sewing machines and have bought this one to stop my fingers screaming "Get a machine!!" at me!!) I look forward to learning so much on here, but once I start reading I can't stop, always something else catches my eye!! Speak soon! - Kate
  3. Hello, Everyone! I couldn't think of a clever name in a hurry so have called myself by my real name! Maybe I will think of something & change it at some point (my name on here that is, not my real name! ) So glad I found this site whilst looking for information about a Singer machine - I have already had the answer I was looking for! Having always been artistic I have tried several crafts but I love my latest leather carving habit best of all - such a beautiful medium to work with. I own horses & dogs (and have a very understanding husband!!) so am familiar with many leather items and wish now I had become a saddler, but it was not possible due to the path life had taken me down. I have always been good at drawing horses freehand so am looking towards to carving more portraits of them from memory onto leather. I have made a few small shoulder bags (sold three! Yey!), quite a few belts, some as presents, some for personal use & 7 commissions, 2 cartridge bags, very pleased with them but as yet unsold, and lots of other items, some sold, some not. I guess I am learning as I go along & can't wait to get chatting & learn some more - I have many questions to ask so hope you will all be able to put up with me!
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