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Everything posted by Chance1234

  1. Hi chain, thanks for the reply, I think I get where you are going . Do you have any pictures at all ? reagrds
  2. It sits on top you can see the back on the coin in the photo below. On the next batch I did for these I spaced them out more horizontal but keeping a lsightl diagonal so it sits better
  3. I was playing around a bit today with some cuffs. One of the things I was trying to work out is appropriate distances for putting buckles and straps on. I was wondering, are there any rules of thumb such as set back half an inch or leave an overlap of XXX? regards
  4. Not too much to show at the moment as I am trying to work out best approach. Below are some bullets I soldered today with rivets which are now in the polisher, along with a novelty irish coin i put on a strap today in honour of St.Patricks day. I've also got sitting int he polisher at the moment some old penny farthings which I have domed and added rivets to. When they are polished I will post some pics
  5. You do indeed get leather cufflinks, but that is not my interest. I am mainly interested in making leather belts and bracelets. I am also making some custom conchos as well.
  6. Hi, Been lurking of the forum for a while so thought I would say hi. Took up leather work a few months back and starting to get into the swing of it - though lots to learn still! regards Chance
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