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Everything posted by solutions4feet

  1. can somebody help me out here, i have been through as many charts as i can find both on this site and on other places on the web and i am as confused as a confused person just ordered a Claes 8346/30 patcher from Germany, the needle size according to the claes manual is a system 88 ( on the packet of needles on a us supplier site it reads 88 DUx1 120/4) can anyone tell me the UK needle size that this converts to, i have spoken to two suppliers of industrial machines in the uk and drawn a blank with both, before i call anyone else can someone suggest the conversion if i do a search for that needle then all i get is a couple of US suppliers and a load of other confusion
  2. thank you for the help guys, biggest issue here in the UK is getting most of this stuff, the supplier of the machine is waiting for a shipment (from china, and have been waiting for months) of speed reducers and that was my first addition, nobody seems to have them in this country!!!! then finding a 220v motor that will do the same thing as the 110v one pictured by @Wizcrafts looks like i have some researching to do for those who mentioned they didn't recognise the machine, quick picture attached, i seem to have seen this with several different brand labels on it including the Global brand model LP 9971 TD
  3. newbie here please go easy, hopefully posting in the right place i had a search around on the subject but can't find anything recent so a lot of links are down i use a Tysew 14400P post bed wheel feed machine for working on ski boot liners, it has a 550watt servo motor but the slowest stitch speed i can get is 200 stitches per minute, in an ideal world i would like to get this down to around 60 stitches per minute as the work i do involves heavy materials and needs a bit more control than i can get at 200 stitches per minute. (in other words my talent doesn't work at 200 stitch per min) what are the options? i have heard about reducer pulleys but these seem rare in the UK or is the answer to just get a different motor on this machine, the manufacturers have been a little lax at giving any sort of guidance thank you for any help
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