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Hannah Kinsey

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  1. Thanks for the advice! I think I'm leaning towards a Techsew machine. Jeremy, does your attachment make it just like a regular flatbed? Thats something else I'm considering, getting a cylinder arm. Im just used to using industrial flatbeds so it makes me nervous thinking about trying to sew with a cylinder arm
  2. Hi, i could really use some advice. Ive read the other posts of people asking about machines so im sorry to repeat this.... I need an industrail walking foot machine to sew soft leather- i was trying to sew it on my domestic which it didnt like at all. What I've been looking at so far is Mach machines from Leightons, Alberta (I live in Revelstoke B.C.) a Juki LU 563 and Techsew machines. Im not familiar with Mach or Techsew. I'm fairly new to sewing leather and have been hand stitching the heavier stuff, but i want to make leather bags and purses with fabric lining. The compound walking foot from Techsew looks pretty good? but do i need to spend that much money? Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you, Hannah
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