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  1. Hi All --- haven't seen these for sale without a reserve, so in case anyone is looking for one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Weaver-Leather-Master-Tools-Mighty-Wonder-4-Ton-Hand-Operated-Clicker-Press-/201934383738?hash=item2f043a2a7a:g:kDUAAOSwhvFZDki0 It's not mine, and I have no idea if the seller is reasonable. [Mods: please delete this post if it doesn't belong here.]
  2. Haven't found anyone. We're making leather (female) accessories --- belts, fashion harnesses, semi-corsets. I can make them just fine, but want to figure out how to do so more quickly.
  3. My fiancee and I have been making leather pieces for females --- belts, fashion harnesses, strap skirts, corsets, etc. The goal is to use as high a quality materials as possible (e.g., horween, W&C, solid brass hardware) since the materials in most leather-based fashion are offensively bad. We're in the weird position that several shops will carry anything we bring them, but we just make things too damn slowly. We'd be interested in getting help from someone skilled from fields that place a high premium on craft --- perhaps the most relevant would be harness making since the stuff we make doesn't require much knowledge of clothing. The simplest way to help would be working out patterns & a way to hand make a bunch of pieces quickly. More useful would be to point out stupid things we're doing. In any case, we can pay cash at a fair market rate. Our "shop" is the dining room, so things are very low scale, hand-made, but on the other hand are not cheap.
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