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  • Interests
    Massage, Dancing and being a kitty kat!

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    No experience, just looking to hire a leatherworker
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    Hiring a leatherworker
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    The amazing and wonderful GOOGLE!

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  1. Thanks for the response last week Stanly. Yeah, getting a good fit I imagine is the main trick, especially if this is done long distance. I was thinking of maybe getting a casting of my head or just really precise measurements. I'm thinking of something that covers my entire head with either a zipper or a string tied back like this: http://www.dhgate.com/product/wholesale-full-blindfold-pu-leather-mask/138117004.html I hope that clarifies both of your inquiries. Let me know if this a project you'd be interested in. And susiek, I'll send an email with the sketches once I get those done. Be well, Brian
  2. Hi, I'm new to this site. I just signed up because I'm looking to hire someone to make me a tightly fitting cat mask. I’m thinking it will mostly be made out of either leather or suede (depending on what you think would work better for a mask to be tightly fitting) and faux fur or real black animal fur. I’m gonna plan on rubbing and nuzzling my head up against people while being a kitty cat of course so I’d need it to withstand such activity. If someone is confident in such a project, I can get together with someone to sketch the design and get you exact measurements of my head. Not sure if sharing my contact info. here is ok or not so I'll wait for responses and let me know how we proceed. Thanks, Brian
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