Hiya Regis,
Thanks for the quick reply!
I have never touched a bit of leather for crafting purposes it must be said. I have done a few bits of carpentry a couple of years ago.
I am a civil engineer by trade so spend most of my time doing consulting, figured it was time to get my hands dirty!
My final aim would be to be able to do the whole process, carving, dying, tooling, assembling etc. I prefer lacing or sewing items as it gives it the look I am probably going for.
Initially I'd probably like to learn some of the processes involved and go from there so it might be better to learn assembly and cutting to begin with?
There are a few general craft/hobby shops here but they tend to not contain many specifics for each individual craft.
I am quite into celtic and nordic themed items and so would most likely want to be making bags, bracelets, bracers etc etc in that sort of theme. Very much like things such as this, this and these.
Many Thanks,