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Posts posted by Dove

  1. Tom, I found some, an 8oz bottle for 5$ would that be sufficient? also, will it darken the leather? I like the color it is. I also have coconut oil and olive oil at home if either would be better suited. the lexol conditioner is $9.99 for 8oz so I'd rather get the cheaper neatsfoot if it's comparable. I'm not sure which is better suited, or will soak in better. The top of the bag (where it bends) is getting finite spider crack wearing and so I'd like to treat that as well so it doesn't crack with use.

  2. Well I took a stab at it! My first bit of lacing looks kind of junky but I think I'm just going to let that be, It took me quite a few hours to get this far, but I think I have the hang of it now. I was brought up with needlework and such, and was always taught if it isn't right you do it again, so that's what I did!

    I like the idea of just taking out parts as I go around, rather than the whole bag at once, I think it makes it less daunting. I really appreciate the offers of doing it for me <3 they are deeply appreciated, unfortunately, I just don't have any money right now, and I'm a rather crafty person so I think it's kind of fun. I do crochet and knitting and needlepoint too so this is just another fun handwork skill to learn. I think the lacing will start to look better once I get my tension right, and consistent. I'll try to find some neatsfoot oil down at the old mule barn, they have all kinds of farm-ey things.


  3. Thank you all for the replies!! I'm going to take a stab at it. I'm not sure what type of lacing coworker gave me, but I can ask him tomorrow as it seems I'll need a great deal more. I'm also having a lot of difficulty pulling the "eye" or pronged part of the needle through the hole, if I use pliers and pull pretty hard it'll go through. Could this be because the lace is too thick, or just how it is?

    Era: while watching a video I noticed they skive the lace, which I didn't do, which I assume is why it's too thick at the needle head.

  4. Would it be possible to relace just the front panel without going around the entire back panel. The tape measure sits at the joint between the actual purse and the front flap panel. The damage starts at the joint and is spattered around the front flap. The back panel (behind tape) has no torn lace. I am mostly concerned with taking apart the "bag" part and then not being able to connect it again. The only other damage is on the inside panel on the bottom corner which I think could be spliced in.


    Damaged corner on inner panel is seen in top right of below image.


    EA57DBBB-EE31-4BAC-890A-5A8EC78247E5_zps here is the entire back. It's 16x11" squared off.

    The book mentioned nothing of gauging lace length, but I read online you figure 6x your length? The front panel is 10x11" squared off. The lace I have is 170" in length.

    I guess I'm just afraid to pull the "bag" part apart and then not be able to put it back together.

    Furthermore, the leather along the edges (where I pulled out some lace) feels kind of dry. I was also given some mink oil and saddle soap, should I put one or the other on before lacing? It looks like the outer decorative leather has a thinner leather along the inside it's softer but I don't think it's suede.

    Eta: after pulling some of the old lace out, the stitch looks to me more like the "running" stitch than a double loop. It just goes under and through the loop, makes another loop and through again.

  5. Hi everyone! I've never done leatherwork before.

    I bought a beautiful vintage leather purse that has significant wear on the lacework in some spots.

    A coworker does do leather work, and gave me a book called "leatherwork manual by al stohlman and others" as well as some lace, a modeling tool and a 2 prong needle. He identified the lace style as a double stitch and showed me the section in the book on splicing and how to do a double loop.

    My questions are: how far into the old lace should I remove to splice in the new lace? I want to do each repair while retaining as much of the original lace as I can. I don't want to relace the whole purse. Do I just pull the old lace out? Please see attached photos regarding the worn areas:






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