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Everything posted by novaroper

  1. novaroper

    juki lu563

    I have a juki lu563 sewing machine I bought at sale it has table with motor works ok need some adjustment I don't know much about them its missing a couple screws on the shuttle I was told it came from a canvas shop will not ship its to heavy let me know I will get some pics up in couple days local pick up only $700 or best offer give me a call 989-928-5712
  2. Im looking for some screws for the shuttle one on the side and one on bottem
  3. I have juki 563 I cant turn the machine buy hand unless I remove the feed dog plate but I think the shuttle suppose to be lock in under the plate if the plate is screwed down tight the machine will not role over please help
  4. novaroper

    Boot Lasts

    Boot lasts one of the nicest sets Ive ever seen 3 sizes AA -B -C made by peerless made in the usa $80 plus shipping
  5. well all the the tooling is done but I want to keep it all natural color except the tooling how do I keep stain off the rest of the project please help
  6. well all the the tooling is done but I want to keep it all natural color except the tooling how do I keep stain off the rest of the project
  7. I dont know much about that same machine since I just got mine but I already put #23 size needle in it and 135 thread and it sews like a dream with two pieces of 6-7 oz veg leather make sure you have plenty of thread tension
  8. I got 3 or 4 different types of feet with this chandler they look like they will fit my juki will they?
  9. the chandler has same size bobbin and reverse and I thought chandler was made by adler and adlers were made in germany but it says made in japan on the back so kind of cunfused about that
  10. well I just got a chandler c267 and sews great and has same size bobbins as my juki563 what is the big diferance besides how the bobbin loads not sure which one to keep
  11. nice set boot/ shoe last for sale the tall one is 24" and the short one is 14" 4 different sizes I can send pic if to your email if you want $30.00 plus shipping
  12. well I bought the juki 563 it is out of time the hook on the bobbin is at 3-o clock and the needle is down and will not pick up bobbin thread so where do I start the hook is a long way from the needle so I know why it wont pick it up but how do I fix it
  13. I found a juki 563 for sale it has been used alot from what I can see the guy says it is out of time thats why hes selling cheap is that a big deal to get this machine back in timing please help I want to move on this machine but if its junk I dont want it
  15. why do they wear out easy
  16. thank you very much
  17. well I baught the adler 30-70 the guy was using size 23 neddles and 207 size thread it sews great is there anyone that has bobins and paperwork for this machine and also is there anybody that has the little rod to feed thread down the tube
  18. well I found a great deal on a adler 30-70 just cant find any info on them this a newer machine full power what is the thickest leather I can sew with it what size thread and size needles and what is a good price please help I want to make sure Im buying a good leather machine
  19. How thick of leather can I sew with a 31-15 and are they good for chaps and wallets and horse tack
  20. what size rivets for Blevins do I use
  21. putting new Blevins on a friends saddle what size rivets do I use and who has them
  22. Im in the process putting some new Blevins on a friends saddle what size copper rivet should I put in and who has them
  23. the machine I found is set up for 220 volt is it hard to change back to 110volt I was thinking if I bought it I would put a servo motor on for more controlled stiching so would I just buy a 110 volt servo motor please help I know this machine is not going to last long at the price Ifound it for
  24. can these be slowed down with a servo motor or a reducer pully and do they have a walking foot
  25. are these any good for sewing leather I found on very cheap but cant find any info on them please help
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