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Inky Doc

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    Spring, Texas

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  1. I appreciate your input very much. Maybe I’m not daubing off enough of the dye before getting started. I’ll give that a try and I’ll look into other brands too.
  2. I have been trying to follow info on different threads about darkening dyes. I am using Fiebing’s leather dyes (Not Pro dye) and tried mixing 5 parts Navy Blue with 1 part USMC Black to get a very dark blue. When I applied it to the leather it was splotchy and uneven. I’m trying to do a darker version of the American Flag. I’m also using a small paint brush to apply. I know the dye is supposed to be spread with a dauber or sponge but obviously that won’t work for what I’m trying to do. Should I thin the mix with denatured alcohol? Also, how do I go about applying dyes intricately and keep them as even as possible? Any advice is appreciated.
  3. They are indeed depressions. The tool I made recreates the effect quite nicely. I've only messed around with it for a few minutes but was able to easily make the different nuances that are displayed in the pic at the top of the thread. I also guessed that someone more skilled than I accomplished the same with a smooth pear shader.
  4. I bought an 89 cent screwdriver and a small box of furniture tacks. Next I hacksawed the screwdriver where the metal post meets the plastic handle. Then heated the sharp point of one of the tacks and then buried it to the head. Problem solved, total cost about $2.50.
  5. It looks like it would just be a tool with a rounded hemispherical end.
  6. I appreciate it and hope my last post didn't seem rude. Thank you again and have a great weekend.
  7. My apologies, but that is a different tool. I have that matting stamp, the entire face of that tool is about the size of a dime. The "bubbles" in the picture are each about the size of a pea. However, when there is nothing to show relative size the appearance is very similar to one another. Edit: The tool you referenced is what does the smaller, tiny bubbles next to the larger ones.
  8. I'm wanting to know how to do that bubbly-looking effect. Also, I'm assuming it is simply block dyed after its tooled. Am I correct? Edit: the larger "bubbles" are the subject of my question Thank you kindly.
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