Hi, new to the forum and leatherworking in general. I've been enthusiastically perusing this forum, other internet resources and videos for the past couple weeks now. Following on from a lot of the suggestions for getting started, I've ordered what tools I think I'll need, ordered some books and sourced materials.
While the wheels are in motion for everything, I'm yet to really pull the trigger on any hardware. Through all the reading/watching/listening I've done, I know what kinds of hardware I need, but then I get to the order pages and am left scratching my head. So many sizes/colours etc. Sizes aren't really covered in any of the learning resources I've come across, which makes sense as I can imagine it really depends on what you're doing. I myself figure I'll start with sheaths, belts and maybe dog collars, before moving on to what my inexperienced mind sees as harder projects, like bags, cases and wallets (I also have a really strong interest in cordwaining, but from what I've read on that I am a long long way off that).
I suppose my main question is: what size eyelets, rivets, snap buttons, sam browne studs etc. would you consider essential? In other words I suppose, what do you experienced leatherworkers find yourself constantly running out of and having to reorder?
I really just want to have a few of all the sizes I'm likely to use frequently on hand. As i'm ordering most of my stuff online, I'd hate to finally get everything in my grubby little mitts, start a project, then have to stop because I don't have X fastener, then have to order it and wait for it to arrive while my half finished project taunts me in the corner.
I should mention, I did order 3 sets of 15mm snap buttons, as it just sounded like a fairly useful size. But that's the extent of my hardware purchasing.
Thanks for all the great reading the forum has provided thus far, Rick.