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Everything posted by sprayZman

  1. Can a moderator move this post to the "leather sewing machines" area? please.
  2. Hi guys. I am new here. I am one of those guys that likes to learn how to do everything. Recently my teenagers started rebuilding a car. I was stupid enough to tell them I could repair the leather upholstery. I've been wanting to work on auto leather upholstery for a long time. The time is now. I need to choose a sewing machine. The few available in my area are: $250 to $400 (Singer 281-1, Rex Model 11-155R, Singer Model 31-15, Singer 402 W 101) $800 to $1000 (Kansai WX-8803D, Singer model 212g140, Singer 153WSV19) What machine should I buy? I want to stay around $500. Are any of the ones I listed any good? The one in the pictures does not have a make and model. The owner doe not know what it is. Can somebody tell me what it is? is it a good starter machine? Thanks in advance. Nelson
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