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About snakex

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  1. Consew PWG-7m looks exactly the same .Do you have the full instructions manual ?Thanks. 
  2. Hello Glenn . Can you post type of needles or any other info ? Thanks .
  3. K today found parts that say Seiko on the machine . The machine looks like the Seiko pw
  4. Yes sir you are correct its a roller foot.
  5. As am a total new to this machines can you explain me what you mean ``feet`` so i can take a better picture . (Sorry i have no idea were to look ..... i have actually looked my feet.........)
  6. Hello Constabulary . Thanks . I have the serial might help you ? Yeap this was my thought too .
  7. Hello everyone. Recently I have purchased a singer post bed and I have never find a way to identify it . Visited ismacs serial starts with PG . No luck . I will post a picture maybe some one has same or can identify.
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