Thanks pounder I knew joining this forum was a good idear
Well I just discovered my talent of working with leather when I was 15 back in 2009 it all started with buying a bag of scrap leather from an old op shop and the first thing I made was a little barbie stock saddle of one of my toy horses then a few years ago my friend gave me this wooden box full of old leather and some tools he found in his shed since then I been add or making my own tools out of broken bits and pieces then I found this little book about bush craft and so far I have made toy horse saddles ,dog collars , done some deco on horse chest plates , brow bands ,a 5 pound stick bow and bamboo arrows a quiver , Laso , 3 meter stock 4 stran round plat stock whip , a mini harness set and a swinging fender saddle
Here's some of my tools and work for you guys to enjoy
First of are all of my tools
It's not much but I just make do with what I got or try and make my own
These are my stamps that I made from nails
I spent hours sitting there with a file just filing away at the nails till I was happy with what I had
The next is a knife I got in the box of tools and I haven't got a clue what it is but it's pretty good with cuting leather
My pop hasn't seen one since he's was a kid so it migth be rare but it's a handy knife to me
The wooden box that started it all now filled with my tools and very heavy lol
So that's my tools. And this is some of my work
That's just some of it oh this is my bow and quiver
And these are my dog collars
And two
One of the chestplates I did deco bling on lol
A very small horse shoe made for a toy horse
It's so tiny lol
More of my pride and joy my saddle
Lol and I can't forget my model for my stuff
My 18 year old Arabian
Abba girl
Sorry about the photo spam it's just I'm so excited to finely become apart of the leather community
Cheers ruby