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About Blurble

  • Rank
    New Member

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LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Armor, tooling, figure carving
  • Interested in learning about
    Armor tips and tricks, refining my tooling
  1. Thanks, all! UKRay: It's A104 and family. That stamp is pretty much singlehandedly responsible for my getting into leathercrafting - I saw some armor with a large area backgrounded with it and it was the first time I'd really seen anyone do anything texturally interesting with armor. Art: Thanks! The first one I did I made the background black, but I left it natural on this one and I really like the contrast it gives a lot more.
  2. Greetings all! I first found this forum maybe a year ago, then lost it, and was very happy to stumble upon it again just recently. I'm into tooling and figure carving, particularly tooling hardened leather armor which is what got me into leather work in the first place. I haven't finished a lot yet, a combination of perfectionism and being easily distracted makes for very slow progress, but here are a few pictures of my latest finished piece, a bracer with a knotty hydra, waterformed and hardened with water and rabbit hide glue. I haven't yet had the chance to learn leatherwork in person, so I'm looking forward to being able to tap the collective knowledge of this forum to solve some puzzles and make some technique breakthroughs. Thanks! -=ErikB
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