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Everything posted by rochemsam

  1. Thanks for all the replies folks. I tried Mr. Electrathon's method of heating at 300F last night, and tried to stamp a drop piece of vacheta and it did not work very well. A lot of the detail was not transferred to the image on the leather. I think it is because the ring is all hand made, and very old (15th century). So the markings are smoother. Works good on wax, but I guess leaher is another story. So Iam not going to take any more chances and as per the suggestions get a proper stamp made. Thanks & regards,
  2. Bill, Thanks for the reply. Yes, the ring is a family hierloom with our crest. The crest is kind of unique, so I felt this was the easiest way to brand emboss etc. on some personal leather items. I also checked into the melting point of silver and seems pretty high, so thought it should work. Now to brand on leather don't you have to get the metal to red hot, my worry is what temp are we talking when we say red hot. I was wondering if some one has actual experience branding leather with a sterling silver stamp. Regards, Sam
  3. Ladies and Gents, Could you please advise if leather can be branded, with a sterling silver signet ring? Basically could a sterling silver ring be heated and then pressed on a leather surface to brand the leather. Thanks & regards
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