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Posts posted by RegasAZ

  1. I too am a new Cobra 4P owner, took possession in mid January. Machine was easy to operate, as Steve and the folks had it all set for me to start in on my holsters. A couple of practice pieces and we were off and running. A double layered gun belt stitched in about 6 minutes, afraid to guess how many hand stitch hours that would be. My issue was learning to "stitch in the ditch" when following a pre-laid out pattern. I tend to want to run too fast and get off track, but I'm learning patience. Very pleased with my selection.

  2. Rohn - Very nice work. I also picked up a set of the barbed wire stamps looking to work them into some type of border work. Tricky trying to get them lined up correctly - especially for my old tired eyes. I just today picked up an Optivisor with 1.75X magnification and was playing with the stamps on some scrap leather. Still going to take me some practice on getting acceptable alignment between stamps - but it is getting better.

  3. Hi there, I'm new to the forum, but not new to leather-crafting.

    After pricing leather holsters and the limited availability of left handed models I decided to attempt making my own. I had started doing leather-craft work some 55 years ago, but mainly it was belts purses and wallets, nothing that was made from scratch, never any stitching, always lacing in the past. So a few weeks ago I go stumbling through the attic and find my leather tools and a piece of leather that has been in the attic for the 30+ years we have lived in this house. A little neatsfoot oil and it became somewhat pliable, at least good enough for a 1st attempt project. A review of some videos online and a trip to the local Tandy store for thread and needles and we started cutting leather.

    The 1st project was coming along pretty well so while the Wife was at Hobby Lobby I bought a bag of leather scraps to attempt an IWB holster. This was not tooling quality leather and hence my excuse for the poor tooling impressions. Anyway the bug had bite me - I'm off to Tandy and buy a half shoulder of leather to make some holsters. ( I was amazed at todays prices on supplies and came to realize the high quality of my old stamps)

    My first tooled holster is now ready for forming, but I am holding off until I get my vacuum press completed, hopefully by the end of next week. In the meantime I am modifying, cutting, and tooling for additional holsters, I have 7 more to make for my use and 3 knife sheaths. Now my buddies are after me for custom tooled holsters. Who knows there may be a sewing machine somewhere in the future.

    Thanks for viewing.





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