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Everything posted by Elaye77

  1. Thank you everyone for your replies. I really appreciate it and will probably try all suggestions on some scrap first. I do have an airbrush and will totally give that a shot!
  2. Thanks guys...I sometimes draw my own artwork and have some that I want to tool but these pieces are adaptatations of pictures I have in a tattoo book. The bandito for the seat I am gonna make was a picture given to me by my friend.
  3. Thank you so much! I love doing the belts but you can get so much more detail and bigger designs on a seat!
  4. Hi there, I am about to start tooling my first motorcycle seat for a friend. I am nervous because he bought the seat kit and I do not want to mess it up. I am going to use acrylic paint on the design and either dye the background or use an antiquing gel to give it a natural worn look. My friend does not want a high gloss sealer. I have heard of Resolene. I would like to know if this is the best choice for a low to no gloss sealer. Also, will it ruin the acrylic paint? Should I use another product before or after painting to protect the acrylic paint? I usually use the Atom Wax when I seal my belts but notice that dye will rub off on my pants and definitely do not want that to happen since he will sitting on it. Any advice would be appreciated, I have looked at some other postings on here but really want the best advice and want to impress him because this could mean future projects for me. Thanks!
  5. Hi everyone I am totally new to this website and am not that experienced with forums so I hope I am in the right place. I truly enjoy tooling leather and it's cool to find a place where other leather workers can share ideas. I started out with belts and have now been asked if I can tool motorcycle seats, going to start my first one for a friend soon using the 3rd design I attached in this post. Wish me luck!
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