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Status Updates posted by superchute

  1. now I know how a baked potato feels

  2. more rain what fun

  3. drive safe jo lots of flooding going on

  4. wow my post worked party on

  5. the great coffee here is why jo

  6. howdy hope you stay safe and your head above the water

  7. can thay walk on there hands Stewart?

  8. yes but rember back then a horse was just a tool for a job not pet like now days .

  9. happy birthday Steve !!

  10. watching the miners make out .Makes me thank God and think of a song 16 tons by T.E. Ford

  11. howdy welcome to leather worker and pls stop by chat and hope you enjoy the site

  12. welcome to leatherworker

  13. welcome to leather worker hope youhad a good time in sheridan i was there in friday

  14. welcome to leather worker


  15. welcome to the leatherworker

  16. welcome to leatherworker

  17. welcome to leather worker hope we can help you

  18. welcome to leather worker

  19. welcome to leather worker hope we can help you

  20. welcome to Leather worker hope you find some thing you. drop by chat if you have time

  21. welcome to leather work hope you enjoy

  22. howdy welcome to leather work we all love to help fokes here

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