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Everything posted by AlabamaOutlaw

  1. im a luthier and this Is a tele body thats bound and is HHS, I dont want to hide the binding. I made an attemp that didnt turn out bad, But I suffered shrinkage after cutting and tooling. So im starting over, has anyone ever done this? How much extra should i add to my template cut? Thanks so much
  2. Well im a 3rd generation Mechanic, Restoration/Insurance Body Man Along with my other business which is custom luthiery and vacuum tube amp designs. So with a full shop at my disposal, Being a gun nut and I went into this leather working thing full blast, Its something ive always wanted to do, So once I get the hang of things, I fully intend to make my own tools to suit my news, Also interested in making stamps. And at some point would like to help folks out because these tools are way overpiced. And in bodywork and restoration, along with guitar building I am always making my own tools. And Id also just like to thank everyone for coming in and helping me out with everything, So excited to be apart of the community of here of such great folks.
  3. Also the 4th from the bottom with all the wood working tools, That is a Thong Chisel I finally found it in one of my books from the late 60's or early 70's by Bruce Grant simply named Leather Braiding. It's a dandy book, sure enough! Havent found out much about the pink one besides that its made by Xacto Knives and Blades
  4. I'm thinking the third from the bottom is a "deer foot" modeling tool, For what can it be used for? Anyone got any past work using one? Id love to see!
  5. This one im VERY curious about, By the way thanks for all the help! These pictures might help you identify the one im so very curious about because I have two.
  6. thanks so much, Still curious about the square one right before those though. And im pretty sure the middle below is for shaving the backs side of the leather, But want to mamke sure. not a clue on the others.
  7. Im sorry I thought I did, maybe this will work Thank You
  8. I'm relatively new to leather working and some of these tools I dont know what there called or there purpose, I Just got them with the extremely large collection I bought fro a guy that had obviously been collecting and toolings since the 60s with some of the tools i have and old as the hills craftaids, Some of these seem to be knives, there need when you have a few swivel knives is unknown to me. The pink one has a little blade Iin it that swivels, Like a swivel knife but has proved useless in my hands, And the one with the spoon on one end, I dont know what the other end is or the slightest clue on these others. Please Excuse my ignorance, But you dont know until you ask. Anyhealp is much appreciated.
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