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Everything posted by Brass

  1. Thanks everyone. Sorry I dropped 'dropped of the face of the earth' for a couple of weeks... My wife and I just sold our house and moved. I just now finished putting my desktop back together. Anyway, I'm going to try the copier method and see how that works.
  2. My wife is in need of a purse and like any good wannabe leather worker I convinced her to let me make it. Of course what I really wanted to do was tool it. and then dream that the sewing just 'happened'. Anyway, the pattern that she wants it not included in the kit that's sold today. It's a pattern that was sold sometime in the yesterdays that I had picked up some time ago from an ebay auction. I had it out and was perusing it getting ready to tool it when I lost it. It is now six months later and I still havn't found it. Does anyone out there have this pattern and could let me have a copy? brass
  3. Here's the finished work. Thanks bustedlifter, I'll check Hobby Lobby for a modeling tool. I've looked thru it several times, but I didn't try looking for a modeling tool. Also, we have a Habitat For Humanity Resale store. They might have a chunk of marble. Wallet is finished with a Flebing's Saddle Tan with a little neatsfoot oil rubbed on top.
  4. @Regis and BustedLifter: Yeah, I need to get one of those one of these days. All I have is the basic 6 + swivel knife. I was going to buy some more tools, but I'm running out of leather and I would rather have leather with my current tools then more tools and no leather. @william: Would you believe a dinner table? Most times I use my desk because it doesn't have the give or bounce that the table does, but I started tooling this wallet right after supper and the wife and kiddos where still eating so I stayed at the table. Marble is on my wish list. Oh, I've heard about glueing to cardboard. Whats matt board? Same basic thing? and no, I don't have any glue yet. @billsotx: This is from a left over Tandy kit(6-8 projects ending with a wallet) that someone gave my wife's family when she was little and her parents gave it to me about a month or so back when I borrowed the tools from them. I'm suspicious that I made my cuts to deep so when I pounded the shader in, the face of the other side didn't pull down to break the edges leaving them sharp. I really honed the blade on this project and it was very sharp.
  5. Hey guys, I have recently re picked up leather tooling (I did some when I was a kid.) And after seeing tremendous improvement as I worked thru several coin pouches and rounders, I started on a wallet. Again, I can see more improvement, but my petal rollovers are all horribly flat topped... I'm at loss for words to describe it. Can anyone tell me why/how they came out looking like this? The were very nicely 3-D'ish on my previous project.
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