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  1. To me it looks like two blacks: The light black is the standard Fiebings Professional-Oil Dye the dark one is USMC-Black with its typical metallic-look.
  2. Thank you.
  3. Moin Isa, I sent you a PM. The Holsters and Seats you and your husband make are awesome. What a nice and clean work.
  4. Thank you for the worm welcome.
  5. Thank you Thor for helping me out on posting the url and your kind welcome. Dear Monica, your work ist awesome! Your Violin-Bags in particular. fantastic.
  6. thank you. Yes it took a while to make it.
  7. Hi, I´m Derle. Well, my english in´t that good. That´s why I´ll focus more on reading and learning than on writing. (sorry) I´ll give my best to introduce myself: I enjoy working with leather. (of course ( ; ) After doing Quivers, Belts and other little things I discovered leather armor and making it is a lot of fun and a challenge every time. The work on armors merge all kinds of leatherwork in one piece and it has to fit and has to be movable. Here is my website. enjoy: www.derle-derer.de Great to be here. I got so much inspiring tips from this forum. So much skilled people here. Hope you can understand what I´m writing here.
  8. • 10 oz vegetabil leather • 250 meters of kangaroo lace • Tooled straps • Handmade beltbuckles
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