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Everything posted by thepirate

  1. +1 on the suggestion of checking countertop mfg. Also gravestone companies ..they will have off cuts they will sell or give away depending on your guile or lack thereof . I just scored a nice piece of black granite , looks to be about 36"x36" about 1 1/2" thick, a friend of mine got it from the offcuts outside a contertop company ( found them leaning up against the dumpster in the back...looked like someone was throwing it out but didnt want to actually lift it into the bin...thing weighs about 50-60lbs ..going to buy a used ikea butcher block style dining room table (chopped in half and doubled up) , make new legs or not...should be able to tool a heck of a large area and it'll handle the thickest leather...all that being said ; how cool would that be, tooling leather on a huge slab of gravestone thick marble or granite...not overly portable...but cool . Edit: up until now i've been using and old rugby trophy base (about 12x14) made out of grey marble..knocked the little gold plastic feet off the bottom . I cut about eight sheets of thick felt ( i still cant recall how i aquired this "awesome" pink felt but it came in handy) ,put a 1" closed cell rubber mat under all that and it worked fine...(quiet enough to tool 6-7oz in the top floor of an apartment building without complaints from my neighbours below or the super who lived next door..)...
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