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About Autist

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  1. Hello, my name is Margus. I am happy I found this forum. I have been watching videos and reading all sorts of information on leather crafting for the past few days. It looks so much fun and challenging and very rewarding. I have always been quite handy at woodwork, have made some minor fixing jobs on pool cues including changing tips (made from leather) etc. I feel like with lots of hard work and dedication leatherwork would be perfect for me. As always, it's hard to find a solid starting place. I was thinking my first project could be a simple wallet. I have been watching Ian Atkinson videos on youtube, and I am almost jumping in my chairs wanting to get my hands working, too! I realise I need some tools to get started, and also realise I don't need a "super 568 part leather craftman starter set". But I wouldn't like to use kitchen knives and forks. I was, however, able to find a nice reasonably priced starter kit from ebay. The link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/12-stlye-BASIC-HAND-STITCHING-LEATHERCRAFT-SET-Leather-Craft-Tools-Kit-/231270426080?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35d8caa5e0 The set is only 64 dollars with free shipping. Would you recommend that set? Are there any essential parts missing, besides needles and threads and leather, of course? I hope this forum will become my home in near future, thank you so much if you decide to help me out a bit. With best regards, Margus
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