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  • Location
    Southeast, U.S.
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    Books, Gardening, Camping, Listening to music, Playing at guitar.

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  1. Sorry. Just a typo I missed. I do know the difference between "knew" and "new". About the checkbook cover... I'm hoping my wife will be too embarrassed to bring it out to write checks. Wishful thinking, right? M
  2. Wow. Thanks for all the info. Guess I should have read some of the other related topics before I posted my question. I never new there were so many different ways to finish leather. The video was especially helpful. I've seen some of his videos, but I guess I missed that one. I think I'll be experimenting a little myself. Got my beeswax and neatsfoot on the stove now. Thanks again, M
  3. Well thanks for the input, but maybe I should clarify my problem. First of all, I'm not concerned with fixing the checkbook cover. I know that's not going to happen. Second, I'm not willing to write off Eco-Flo products or any other water based product for that matter. If they didn't work no one would use them; plus, I already have a lot of Eco-Flo products on hand. Thirdly, and this is my dilemma: I did use Super Shene on the cover. After it got wet and spotted, I tested some dyed scraps using up to three coats of Super Shene. The dye still bled when I put a drop of water on them. I thought that's what a finish was suppose to prevent.
  4. I'm new to the forum, but hoping for some help. I made my wife a checkbook cover using Eco-Flo dye and Finish. The other day she got caught in the rain and the cover got a few drops on it. I'm not sure why she was writing a check in the rain, but now the cover has spots on it. I tested some scraps using two or three coats of Super Shene. I also tried some neatsfoot oil. The dye bled every where I put a drop of water. Any advice would be much appreciated.
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