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Everything posted by whyman

  1. I'm simply wondering if i am the only person who has been asked to make a set of these. Whether with this pattern or with a different one.
  2. I have no idea where to put this so i figured here was my best bet. I just got a commission from a friend to make a pair for her skates. quick google search, and i come up with this website: http://diyrollerderby.blogspot.com/search?q=toe+guards My question is if Anyone here has ventured to attempt this sort of thing before? any comments and questions are welcome.
  3. My question for any who would like to respond is: if I smoke comercial tanned deer leather would I be able to wash and treat it as I could buckskin? Again any response is welcomed
  4. Thanks TexasJack
  5. I'm wanting to make a holster for my brothers S&W .41 cal model 57-1 j frame revolver.my biggest problems are I have barely an idea of where to start and I want the holster to be a surprise so I can't just borrow the gun I am new to leatherworking but this isn't my first project. Help from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
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