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    Military patches, belts, knife sheaths, holsters

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  1. Not sure about screen printing. How would it get into the grooves? That's way out of my realm of knowledge.
  2. Hello--there was a post regarding this back in 2010, but I've found no answers. I'm wondering if there's an embossing machine out there that also prints the colors you need onto the leather as it embosses? I make leather patches and hand painting takes way too long and is too inaccurate for my liking. I have to use the smallest brush I can find and that isn't small enough! I thought of using those acrylic ultra-fine paint pens, but I don't think those will work either. There are some patch makers out there that have embossed colored patches that look impossibly perfect to be done by hand. Am I unawares of some type of machine that both embosses and colors at the same time? My local leatherworking shop has no idea how they're made. Picture is example of what I'm trying to achieve...Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the links Itch..helpful! And Dwight...I thought about that same idea using a roller embossing machine; only have to make one cut between patches. But, I used the 4 inch by 4 inch square as the maximum area to be used...not that the end product would be square. See www.flightjacket.com for exactly what I'm thinking of making. I can see how presses that cut would be dangerous; complacency would be a very bad thing while using that! Itch, what type of embossing machine do you use? A clicker?
  4. Hello all...hoping to find some direction on this question; been searching elsewhere for a week and haven't found anything. I'm looking to emboss designs onto a approximately 4 inch by 4 inch square of veg leather between 5-8 oz. I'm looking for a machine that will emboss the design as well as cut out the 4x4 into slightly different shapes (circles, shields ect...think military patches) on the same stroke. I've seen the roller embosser in the Tandy guide and similar, but those rollers are limited to 2 inches wide and they cost a TON of money for new custom rollers. I've also looked at the Randall R-32, but I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for. The Clicker from Tippman looks promising, but I have no idea where to get the dies, if a embossing stamp can be used, and how much each new die/stamp would cost me. Bottom line, I haven't seen anything out there that will emboss and cut on the same stroke with affordable and interchangeable dies/stamps. It doesn't have to be a machine either; a mallet would work as long as I can interchange custom stamps (up to 4 inches square) and without spending a ridiculous amount of money for a small stamp. I've been doing this all by hand so far, which I enjoy, but I'd like to speed up the process a bit so I can potentially sell my items for a reasonable price. Any direction is appreciated!
  5. Hello all! Great to see there is a website dedicated to leather! I find this site an enormous help. I've been dabbling in leatherwork for about a year now. Right now I'm mostly interested in making holsters and belts, but I'm easily distracted with other projects! Looking forward to soaking up as much information on leatherwork in general; I'd love to make it a retirement part time income maker.
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