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  1. I talked to the guys at Springfield Leather hoping they could order in a Techsew or Cowboy, but they're firm believers in the Cobra's. I've always heard great things about the Cobra 4's, but I figured I'd get something heavier down the road. I wanted to ask you guys if you think I could tune it down to sew thin wallets? I'm guessing the answer is yes but ideally I'd want multiple machines? I trust the guys at Springfield Leather, they have great customer service and since they're fairly close to where I'm located I feel like it would be a good idea to buy a machine from them. Is there another Cobra I should be looking at? I'm convinced the cylinder arm is the way to go, but I think that only gives me the option of the 3 or 4. Thank again for everyone's feedback, it's been so incredibly helpful!
  2. Thanks for the advice Tom!
  3. Great! That's good to hear. I've been really attracted to this machine from the start. Thanks!
  4. Great! That all makes sense. Yeah I think it was the 4100 and 5100 Techsew's that state they have a minimum of 6oz that made me question the lighter end capabilities of these machines. That and a friend of mine has a Cobra 4 which she thought would be way too heavy duty for my needs, but that has all made more sense the more I've looked into leather sewing machines. I'll see what more I can find out about Techsew's, maybe they're easier to get your hands on here in Missouri. Thanks for all your help! Definitely leaning towards the Cowboy CB227R. Gonna do a little more research before I pull the trigger, but it sounds like a great machine! Thanks again, Paige
  5. I agree about the cylinder arm. That was part of the reason I had been leaning toward the Techsew, although it kinda looked like the Cobra flat bed might detach into a somewhat bulky arm. It looks like the Cowboy's do have a flat bed attachment for $85. Are you saying the Cobra 18's are good machines, you just have to know how to fix them? Or do you have problems with them breaking down on you quite often. Do you happen to have either a Cowboy 227R or 3200? Looking for a little more information on how thin of material they can ideally sew. Oh, and do you have any insight on the Techsew? Thanks for taking the time to help me with this! Paige
  6. Huh, I've heard a lot of good things about Cobra support, but that definitely makes me want to shy away from that machine. I've been looking into the Cowboy's but haven't found a ton of information out there. Do you happen to know if either of these machines have a minimum weight/thickness they can sew? Ideally anyway? I'm guessing the 227 would be better at handling thin jobs than the 3200. I just try to get my wallets and and cardholders as thin as possible to reduce bulk in the pocket. Oh and thanks for the feedback!
  7. Seems like the Cobra Class 18 and Techsew 2700 are more or less the same machine but I was hoping to get some feedback from you guys. I was leaning towards the Techsew because it seems to be more widely used, but I'm located in Kansas City so it would be pretty easy/affordable for me to drive down to Springfield Leather Company and pick up a Cobra. I mostly plan on using the machine to sew small accessories (wallets, cardholders) made of veg-tan leather with layers adding up to between 4 and 9oz. I want something I can really slow down for precise sewing on these small items. Right now the heaviest items I'm sewing are handbag straps, some leashes and collars. I looked at the Techsew 4100 but read that 6oz is the lightest weight it will sew, so unfortunately it sounds like that machine won't work for me. I'd rather end up with multiple machines down the road than try and force everything on one. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks!
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