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Posts posted by Jarakoko

  1. I got Juki 1541S couple days a go, it worked fine till yesterday. machine got stuck, as its the feature of the safety clutch but even after unlocking it, it keeps jamming. I called the place I bought the machine from and was advised to take the bobbin casing all out as there might be thread stuck. I had very hard time putting the bobbin back together as it looked the machine is out of time.

    After getting it all back together it worked for like 10min and it keeps blocking it self and some broken needles happened.

    I'm having someone to come look at it next week, but I'm supper bummed out about it. What am I doing wrong? is it something this machine is know for?

  2. Almost no machine without an open frame shuttle (exception being the 132 class shuttle) can handle anything over 138 thread. The 810/820/830 bobbin is maxed out at 138.

    The Cowboy branded GA5 is capable of heavy thread but despite asking a number of dealers I have yet to see even a photograph of a roller foot so I have sourced them myself - NOT from China.

    The 17/18 class machines were designed for the shoe industry as vamping (closing) machines which is why they are right handed (17) and left handed (18).

    The "Global" machine mentioned is purely for forming a "corded welt" in the uppers of shoes and, being decorative, uses an open frame shuttle for heavy threads. I have one of the Italian feed up the arm versions around here somewhere but there is also an ADLER 204 model for the job.

    For the Cowboy dealers I believe the equivalent is the 7133 based on the Chinese 253 with double roller feet.

    what machines 17/18 are you talking about?

    I have just one shot in getting the perfect machine, all help is highly appreciated

  3. Hi all,

    I have spend many many weeks of research for the perfect machine. We mainly work with 2 layers of 1mm leather and Juki 1541S does the job. but we are looking to add heavier leather shoes, plus rubber sole or thick leather insole in the shoe.

    I'm eyeing couple of Cowboy machines and Global 9204 double needle. Problem is Global is impossible to get in US. We are looking for single needle and double needle post bed machine, I think that is the best for us. huge plus is roller foot.

    I attached some pic as of what I'm thinking of doing. I really appreciate any input and recommendation.




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