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Everything posted by fallingslowly87

  1. Thank you guys for the responces ! Sucks I cant tool it all, but its hi-quality leather so I will find something to do with it! Does anyone know where I can find basic tutorials for cat/dog collars? I decided to buy some veg-tan tooling hide to practice and a starter tool set. I will definately share what I make here - I am excited to try it! What is recommended to use to glue the leather when Im done to a book cover(wrapped cover)? THANKS AGAIN )
  2. Leather is sealed - does this make it impossible. :/ Leather is sealed - does this make it impossible. :/
  3. So first of all, I have been wanting to work with leather for a while now, crafting things for myself such as pet collars, guitar straps, etc. Here's the cool part, I get leather scraps from my job! But.. I'm not sure how to work them. They are pre dyed and fire tested for aviation upholstry use - so I'm not sure how to carve into them. It would really be awesome if I could learn how to do so. I have this great Christmas gift idea of making a leather cover for an art sketch book for my boyfriend. Things I need to know: 1. Can I carve into predyedupholstry leather. Thickness is about 1/8". Really quality stufff (I mean this stuff goes into corp jets! ) 2. What would the steps be? (thankful for tips) 3. Would Ihave to redye it to show the design? 4. What's the best type of glue to use of leather to adhere to a book cover? 5. Any tips for pet collars? I plan on doing most of it by hand and getting tools when I can afford it. But def want to work on the book wrap cover asap SORRYfor having so many questions!! I look forward to getting things done and sharing!
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