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  1. Thanks for the input all. Works out at a bit more to get the same dies i was going to get by the time i factor in shipping so I think i'll hang fire for a bit to see what dies I'm likely to get the most use out of and save a few more pennnies. I don't want to buy something and find myself quickly wanting to upgrade
  2. Hi All, Just getting into leatherwork and really enjoying it. Have seen a few videos of people using the press from tandy for setting rivets and snaps. They look good but the dies are super expensive. Was trawling around looking for alternatives when i stumbled across these presses just called "universal hand press" in the descriptions http://www.greengrizzly.co.uk/en/hand-preses/738-universal-hand-press-for-grommets-rivets-press-fasteners-eyelets-aax.html and they are much more reasonably priced. (about £50 for the press and around £10 for the dies) Thing is i can't find much about them. All I can see is they are made by micron (although they don't list these specific models) and i;ve seen a few people using them on youtube but no real detailed info. Has anyone used one and are they any good? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
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