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Everything posted by e5earley

  1. Hello all. First off, I've got to say this sight is great. What a wealth of information. I've always been amazed at the talent exhibited in the leather work I have seen. I remember as a kid my dad taking me to the Billy Cook saddle shop in Greenville, Tx to pick out my first saddle. How someone could take pieces of leather and create something so beautiful was beyond me. Now at 43 I have caught the bug to create something. Back before Christmas I picked up a 1955 Marlin 336 in 35 Rem. My plans were to remove the scope, add a peep sight and a leather buttstock cover and sling. After looking online at a few leather covers I thought "I can make that". Then the search began. I must say looking through the Tandy catalog gave me sticker shock. So off to Ebay. I won an auction last week and guess what showed up today? Didn't realize until I unpacked everything that it included a C.S. Osborne 155 rotary punch. Bonus! I still need to pick up a good awl, a set of dividers, and a basket weave stamp. Then a stop by Tandy when I'm in Dallas tomorrow to pick up a little bit of leather.
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