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  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    hunting, fishing, shooting, guns and knives.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Anything that can improve me

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  1. Thanks for the advice. I had actually downloaded some of your patterns. I try to use the actual gun when making the holster (I kind of have a gun habit so I have most of the guns I've needed) but use a blue gun at times. When I make the slots I used the 1/4" dremel sander. Any advice on how to make them smaller? I found a 1 3/4 inch oblong punch and was going to purchase one. I just didn't want to drop $60 on it right now. I am planning on buying one next extra job check.
  2. I have a question on the steps y'all use in the holster making process. I have been making holsters for about a year and have mostly taught myself and learned from trial and error. I have gotten some great advice from guys that have been at this way longer then me although no one I know makes holsters. I have been following these steps making my holsters and it has been working pretty good but I would like to get my stitching closer to the trigger guard. I have been making mine in this order. 1) cut out pattern 2) glue 3) sand edges 4) stitch 5) stain 6) wet mold 7) burnish edges 8) apply finish I am wondering if I should stitch after I wet mold. I was planning on trying it on my next build but figured I would get some advice from the guys on this site. I have attached a couple of pictures. Let me know what you think on the process and please let me know how I can improve my work. The only machine I use is my dremel tool for sanding. Thanks for the help in advance. I have seen some great stuff on this web site.
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