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    West Michigan
  • Interests
    Creating my own line of Belts, boots and more.....

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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    I'll create the designs to be made by a leather perfectionist

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  1. Okay, so many helpful replies, glad I found this site. Much appreciated. On a different note I don't know if any of you have heard of the innovative new company called Quirky, but last April an idea that I had submitted was chosen by their staff on Live Eval , I was announced as a "Quirky Inventor". Wow I was elated! I was chosen out if thousands of submissions, sooooo Quirky sat on that idea(now 10 months) and I see on amazon the slightly altered version of it is for sale, by a guy who contacted me stating he wanted to blend his unchosen idea with mine. I declined and this is what I get. So that's why I might seem a little gun shy. I'm excited about this belt design and confident it will sell, I will do the research on leather costs, and "hourly"? rates for the leatherworker. I wish I Was talented enough to make this on my own but kinda feel like I'm an old dog who can't be taught new tricks lol. A Dreamer At Heart, Thanks again everyone!
  2. I'm sorry but my design will be my secret until I meet with the right person and sign some agreement(terms). Was really hoping to meet someone close to home, but thank you for your replies and advice as it is much appreciated!
  3. Hello! I am in need of a creative leatherworker who is able to turn a design concept into a reality. I am in the Grand Rapids, Michigan and to the south area and would like to work closely with this person. This belt is unlike any other on the market, it uses more leather than most so I'm completely unsure of the cost but have money set aside to start this adventure. I have only shown a few people close to me and already have 3 buyers in waiting! I have quoted them a very rough retail estimate of 200.00. Take a leap of faith with me!
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