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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. thanks, I was actually excited that it turned out as well as it did.
  2. it's only simple, nothing fancy, took me 3.5 days to do. It is my first foray into the leather crafting world. a quiver for a friend at the range, just oiled and ready to go. I am very happy with the way it came out.
  3. Hi Mike, I had a look at the Barry King Tools website and can not see any chain tools? are you able to point me in the right direction I may be not seeing where they are? Regards, Neil Oops, Sorry, Just found it thanks for that..
  4. Thanks again Thor, I have sent Studio-N a message via his website.
  5. Yes Thor was correct, It has been confirmed by a person from the website that it is an old custom made tool of unknow origin. I was happy to get a reply as most people would just say it's a secret Thanks Neil
  6. Thanks for the reply Thor, I will ask them.
  7. Greetings All, this is my first post on a leather working forum, and I never ever thought I would be typing those words. But hey this is great fun, But I would like to know how to do a chain link border similar to the one done here .. http://www.purdygear.com/images/products/rigs/DericksHolster-1000.jpg is anyone that knows allowed to tell me which tools were used to make that chain link patern? I have serched high and low on the internet and can find nothing. I have not yet asked the people at purdy gear. thanks, Neil
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