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Everything posted by RileyRaffy

  1. Thank you so much again. You are soon becoming my best friend! I don't necessarily want waterproof, just something that is going to hold up in English rain. It is for the bridle I am making. If I put a resolene on it, will I be able to treat the leather in the future, or will it repel anything I throw at it? Your biggest fan Riley!
  2. Howdy all. Just buffing away here after applying tandys ecoflo waterbased black dye. How can I make this piece suuuuper waterproof? Thank you x
  3. Genius! And cost effective. I may have a go tomorrow, or better yet get my father to have a go, next time I see him ( I don't have the tools ) Thank you! R x
  4. What could I use instead Dwight? Will neatsfoot etc still penetrate I used? R x
  5. I have had a look at Bruce's channel. He is incredibly gifted, with years of experience but I find him/the videos so slow. I would benefit hugely I'm sure, watching videos like that! Rileyx
  6. That sounds like a very good idea and useful. Is it difficult to do? Do they stand up to constant hammering? I also think I need to read up on casing my leather better. Do stamp names have numbers that increase or decrease according to size? I am sorry if I am asking ignorant questions, but I really don't want to spend money I really don't have on somehow I don't need. Truly grateful for all your help so far Riley xxx
  7. That's the one! Checked face it is. Can I get smaller or pointed ones, to go in tight spots? JLSleather, eBay it is! I shall have a look tonight and perhaps look at YouTube to find exactly what I need. Riley xx
  8. Goodness gracious, you are quite right!! I mean stamping, yes! What a amazing answer. Thank you so much for your advice. As for what I am tooling... I am attempting horse bridles, with any design that pops in my head (floral, skulls, animals, anything!) I find most of the time my tools/stamps are far too large for the intricacy I am looking for. I also don't particularly like flat faced bevelers (without texture if you understand me!) I would like to invest in some more stamps. Should I move away fro Tandy ? eBay? Riley x
  9. Hey all you experts again. Could you perhaps recommend us newbies on essential tools for tooling (can't think of a better way of phrasing). Eg. How many background tools do you need and what sizes? Or best tools for beveling etc. I know it's a broad subject, but would definitely come in handy to someone like me who is limping along with a grand total of 4 tools, and would like to buy more. Riley x
  10. Ok. Thank you. Again! I just didnt want hairy bits sticking out. Shall I put gumtrag. on the edges after I dye it? Riley xx
  11. Please ignore te shabby tooling. It was my firs time and I am just having a quick practise run ;-) R x
  12. I hope this makes sense! I would like to clean up edges that I have cut out of the leather. The holes however are very small and I'm not sure how to get in the corners!!! Any advice would be much apreciated. Thank god for you guys! Riley x
  13. Dwight, you are wonderful! Thnx again ! X
  14. Thank you ever so much for your replies. As for your questions here goes. I am in the UK, in Cambridge. And I will be sewing two lots of 3mm together, plus lining (0.5) at most. I shall have a look at a singer 111. Thank you for the links and the sticky. I shall throw some chocolate at my children and have a better sit down and read. I just found most of the other posts, were a bit technical for me. Riley x
  15. Hi y'all! I could really use a hand deciphering all your expert language on leather sewing machines. I have tried my hardest to understand, which machine I need but I am still lost, as I have a limited budget. Looking to spend as little as possible on a second hand sewing machine, however I make tooled bridles, at least 4mm thick. I gather I need a walking foot. Why? Where are we walking to? And will these second hand singers I see on eBay do the job? Do they actually sing? ;-) I don't mind hand cranking or manual labour, but I would really appreciate a nod in the right direction, to save my hands from cramping due to hours of sewing. Thank you all so much in advance. Riley x
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