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  1. That's good to hear. I have been trying for a few days to get them to email an updated inventory.
  2. You are correct, the 10 would fall out of the Gp100 holster upside down after it has been worn a while. I'm sure the Gp100 will fall out to after a while too. I am mainly trying to be able to build holsters for the 4" K frame. The 686 I am not to worried about because I can buy a bluegun for it or use the GP100. With the K frame it is harder to get the variations. The 4" K frame bluegun will cover the 10/64,13/65 with a heavy barrel, but then some of the 10/64 have pencil barrels. The 15/67 has adjustable sights and the 19/66 has adjustable sights with a half underlug so there are some big differences on a molded and pressed holster. I would like a dummy gun for each model because like you I make holsters for the specific gun. I am trying to figure out if I am being to specific. My main problem is I have not been able to find a 15 dummy gun or a 19 dummy gun.
  3. S&W 10 in GP100 Holster S&W 15 in GP100 Holster
  4. I am trying to offer more revolver holsters. Specifically for the K frame size 4" guns. I get a lot of request for different variations of the K frame but I only have a Model 10 with with a heavy barrel and a GP100 for dummy guns. I noticed today that the M10 and an M15 fit pretty well in a GP100 holster I made. The picture is the GP100 holster so you can have an idea of what it looks like. Does anyone else use just one dummy gun (GP100 or 686) as a "universal) revolver dummy gun or do you have one for each model?
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