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Everything posted by Lesbarbeux

  1. Haven't actually used the stuff yet as I'm awaiting delivery of my first order of fish leather....however, check out this site for prices and very reasonable delivery charges. http://thefishleather.co/what-is-fish-leather/
  2. Hi all, I recentlt saw a wallet that used a very colourful fish leather for its inner parts coupled with a calf outer. It was stunning whilst still looking classy. I am at present trying to source some in the UK and have various options available. My question is, has anyone out there got any tips for working this stuff?
  3. Many thanks for that Corey, I don't have a problem with either wet moulding or angled box stitching, though to be honest I don't use it unless I have to! I had thought of trying to rig up a jig to use a router to get the lip but am having difficulty getting hold of thick enough hide to do that in any case. Think I am going to go the easy route and use a quarter inch strip of 4.5mm on a half inch strip, burnished before construction and stitched vertically, then stitch vertically through the half inch strip to the case outer, leaving only one row of stitching visible on the outer....if that makes sense. Not as neat as the one in the photos but it should be presentable, albeit with a thicker "lip".
  4. Hi all, newbie to the forum so treat me gently! I saw these online whilst doing some research for a project that I have been asked to undertake...seems pretty straight forward except for the ridge on the back of one side of the "rim" on the right hand side of the wallet. Have asked around at a well known leatherwork goods outlet, but they are baffled too. The rim and inside ridge appear to be one peice, but how has it been achieved? I have worked out various other ways of getting the same effect, but none that only need one row of stitching....simplicity is important I feel. I'm sure that someone somewhere knows how this is done......your help will be greatly appreciated.
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