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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southwest Michigan
  • Interests
    Beginning leather work - stained glass - woodworking - woodcarving - collecting antique canning jars

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    leather working
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    google search

idigjars's Achievements

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New Member (1/4)

  1. I sent you a pm papaw. Thank you to all for replying. Paul
  2. I would like to make some personal collars & items for our standard poodle. Another thing I'm looking for is somebody willing to teach leather working classes for the company I work for (continuing education). We pay well for folks willing to help our employees. Take care & thank you for the welcome. Best regards to all. Paul
  3. Hello Folks. I'm a complete newbie to leather working. I don't know anything about leather working but I am anxious to learn. I have been lurking at a few posts and find this all fascinating. Thank you for the add to your group. Best regards to all and make it a great rest of your day. Paul
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