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About bruno24

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    New Member

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  • Interests
    book binding, and mecanics

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    repair eand patches
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  1. Bob, your advice was useful. I decided for a non invasive repair since no spare parts is available for the K51. The bobine carrier is still in place but i used a file to remove a saillant edge alloving the pinion to move smmothly under the crank action. I was vey lucky to see that i can make some beautiful stiches ( 4.4 mil) with a 130 needle and 80 polyester thread in some thin leather. however in thicker leather a mess arise in the bobin which keeps the loops as seen on the picture. Nb: By the same token I notice the shuttel holder spring has no screw but a rivet instead. what kind of new problem to solve ? please help?
  2. Thank you bob I'm glad to have the expert help with you. That situation is what I feared. However I keep on tring to unscrew without destroying the pinion. If I am lucky is the bobin holder still a standard 29 K available ?
  3. Hi, I just purchased an overused 29k51, whose bobin holed makes troubles. I decided to take a look but the tiny screw does not go out out ans stays in the hole. After over an hour of try clockwise and anticlockwise nothing happens the srew is still in place may be broken . I decided to rely on forum fellow expertise. Drill a hole and remove old stuff for a new bobin holder and new pignon ? Other idea ? pictures attached. Thnaksbeforehand. Bruno Fr
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