I saw this thread and your detailed answer searching for information on the Singer 29K71 . I wish I had researched here before purchasing the machine some years ago but it's what I have now and I'm not in a position to buy another. I have always done my leather sewing by hand but now with arthritis I needed to move to a machine and I wanted a treadle.
So I have a further questions on threads and needles. So far I have used what the seller gave me with the machine. One spool of nylon twist, on a wooden spool with a partly unreadable label, labeled D/E., which I wound numerous times on the two bobbins I have. He demo'ed the machine on vegetan leather and it sewed beautifully with the regular (not leather) needle. Thus far I have only used it on a vinylized upholstery fabric with many folds, over 100 yds of binding and, except for the annoyance of winding so many bobbins, I am happy with it's performance. It also came with packs of Groz-Beckert needles in sizes from 130/21 to160/23and a drawer-full of bobbins that are made of just thread. Now I know why he used them!
I have the manual in photocopy. It states needle ranges and specifies leather needle as 29 x 4 in sizes 9, 11, 14. 16, and 18 - 23. The Pilgrim shoe company catalog which he recommended for parts and supplies closed in 2019.
So here are my questions:
1. Where can I find the proper, and heavier, leather needles for the patcher?
2. What thread do you recommend for sewing various types of leather? I use everything from thin buckskin to full thickness cowhide. I have always preferred natural fiber for what I make, waxed cotton, linen, etc., but realize that this machine is very touchy about tension and feed. Will I be forced to compromise and use synthetics like nylon? And is there some kind of chart available to match threads to needles?
3. These bobbins appear to be a heavier thread and maybe natural fiber as well. How can I tell what weight they are so I can perhaps find spooled machine thread to match them?
and finally, 4. Where can I find the small bobbins that I can be sure I'm getting good quality? (meaning, not made in China).
If there are sources or articles on some of the technical questions, please point me to them.
With great appreciation,