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  1. Sry for the double post!, Is one layer of Acrylic Resolene sufficient if it is well buffed after it is dried or is 2 - 3 coats suggested?, currently it is applied with a damp sponge and the bottle tipped like a bottle of TCP for instant onto the sponge a few times.
  2. I shall give some of these ideas a try, thanks for the heads up, much appreciated!
  3. I am quite happy to try out new dyes, but I'm gathering I will have to get different types of finishes due to the contents of what the different dyes maybe made up of? so I have a few large bottles of oil dyes and these finishes so obviously I am more obliged to find a solution at-least until I have exhausted this stock!
  4. Thank you very much for the helpful tips and info guys!, when you say buff after each coat, im gathering your refering to the Acrylic Resolene? and would leaving the tankote actually make an impact on this? I thought it would just add another layer of water resistance?
  5. Hi guys, first of all sorry if this is under the wrong forum section!. I have been having some issues with dye still "leaking" or bleeding out on wrist bands/cuffs I have been making, I have followed a lot of tutorials and I was pretty sure I was doing everything the right way, anyway to remedy this issue would be awesome!. The process that I have used is as follows: 1) cut/shape 2) Dye( Fiebing's Professional oil dye) allow to dry over night after several coats 3) Buff until appears no surface dye is present - Slick/burnish edges 4) Apply Tankote to underside of leather 5) Apply polish (Carnauba Creme) to face of leather 6) Apply Acrylic Resolene to all areas using a wringed out sponge - leave to dry for 30-60 mins and add another coat or two 7) Add any rivets/snaps and so on. The dye when it leaks for instance with the black dye leaves quite the amount of dye on my wrist at the first sign of swetting and such. Would be grateful if anyone could shine some light on what I could possibly be doing wrong . Happy crafting!
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