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Everything posted by BenjaminT

  1. I am interested in making a leather gorget. I have some experience in leatherworking, but I have been unable to find the patterns and templates for the style I want. I have already seen the patterns available on the Armorarchive. Does anyone have a pattern for the style I am interested in created? It has a rounded V shape, and is wide enough to attach pauldrons to, instead of most patterns I have seen. Thanks! http://steel-mastery.com/images/products/full/leather-gorget-in-fantasy-style-1.jpg http://rs880.pbsrc.com/albums/ac9/labricoleuse/class-masks/100_2525.jpg?w=480&h=480&fit=clip http://rs293.pbsrc.com/albums/mm46/msnyder1418/Gothic%20armor%20pictures/GorgetSpaulders1.jpg?w=480&h=480&fit=clip
  2. Awesome. I plan on making a gorget similar to this, do you have a template?
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