Both that same price £1000, my main consideration is it being able to sew through thick veg without issue, the advantage of the 133k is its long arm as I build leather armour.
Thanks for the Vid
I've posted a photo in a previous post..
I had a quick go and it punched through a single layer of 3.2 veg but needs a service so not seen it stitch properly. It had a walking foot too
Maybe I have the wrong machine code ??
Hi Everyone
Desperate for some urgent advice please.
I'm commonly sewing 2 (sometimes 3 layers) of vegan leather together (2 layers of 3.5) and need to know which of these babies people would advise up to the job.
At the moment I've the option of a 45k89 cylinder arm or a 133k13 long arm cylinder and just don't know which to go for.
Would really appreciate some advice before I spend money.
Thanks - Alex
Hi Everyone
I'm new to the forum and new to tooling but I've worked with armour & leather a while.
I'm a noob to hand tooling as have always engraved and have just discovered (the hard way) that when you hot water harden and form a piece during the drying (natural not bake) many of the bevelling raises back up and leaves the carved lines open!!!!
I always harden pieces so really need a solution if anyone's got any suggestions :-)
Thanks Alex