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  1. I have returned!!!! So I ended up spending hundreds of dollars on already made leather grips (made of calfskin). But now, I am not only obsessed with tennis, but now watches as well!!! I am going to get me some leather (or calfskins....I will ask the leather place I am purchasing it from if there is a difference...or google it) But, I just wanted to check back in and read some of the threads. I remembered seeing a lot of beautiful work from some skilled craftsman the last time I was here!!! Hopefully someone else is a watch collector or leather band maker (they can get ridiculously expensive!!!) Anyway, I will be more patient awaiting a response to any questions or queries I may have. But the main thing I want to do, is read/search the forum first. Then ask any questions that haven't already been asked to death here (it happens on a tennis forum I am on...I answer the same questions all the time This time, I am hoping to dive into the craft, and make some cool things Have a great day!!!!! Here is a pic of 2 of my racquets with leather grips (this is what I want to make more than anything in the world!!!!) Also, there is a bag of leather grips under the racquets, they come in rolls (precut)
  2. I think you are right. At least the good ones. Head finest calfskin is 1 I can think of. I am trying to find the best leather to try and make these. There are several different ones. ?The ones I like are called Fairway Leather Grips. I am guessing it will take a few different ones to find what I want. Are calfskins different than leather? I am just starting this idea I know nothing
  3. I wanted to come back and say MANY THANKS!!! Springfield leather is awesome!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you THANK YOU!!!! Have I told you THANK YOU!!! Once I get my order, hopefully it will be a fun learning experience, and I will possess a useful skill. Thanks again!! That was so helpful!! Have a great day!!
  4. Thank you so much!!! I apologize for my last message, it was born out of frustration. I truly hope to become an active member on the site, I just have had some trouble getting started. Thank you for providing me an excellent starting point!!! I now have some information to go look up and research, and then come back with more direct questions. They do still spiral wrap grips (leather or synthetic grips) and I never thought of using it as a template!!! That is an awesome idea!! It will make my life so much easier!! I will try and get in contact with the people you mentioned above, and if you can think of any other types of leather that are pliable and or easy to start with, it is greatly appreciated. I think just to start, I was going to "tool" or engrave my name and see how that goes first. Then I will have a better idea of what I am in for. I apologize again for my negative message, and thank you for giving me a great starting place. Thank you, it is greatly appreciated. I want nothing more than to be an active member and positively contribute to the community. Have a great day!
  5. I guess I will just buy the leather grips that are on the market... or just figure it out myself It may seem like a fruitless venture to some, but to me, it is the equivalent to one of the many beautiful leather items that have been pictured all over this site. I wish you all well on your future endeavors, and wish I knew the secret to illicit a response from anyone . I should have posted pics with me rolling around in a bed of leather...then I would be part of the "in" crowd Have a great day!!!
  6. I am interested in finding out what are some of the softer leathers. What size can you order leather in, or small quantities to play around with? Basically a tennis grip is around 48" long, 3/4 of an in to 15/16 wide, and varying thickness (1-1.5mm) . It looks like a long rectangle, and I am interested in possibly making a design or just personalizing it. As this would be my first project, I am thinking simple design, and awesome leather. Any help would be much appreciated. Does this sound like an unreasonable first project? It seems easy to me, but I am envisioning cutting and possibly finishing the edges to be the most difficult.
  7. Those look awesome!! I am just delving into the world of leather and am in the area (suburb of Pittsburgh) Maybe our paths will cross when looking for leather supplies Keep up the creativity, and great work!
  8. Hello, first post here. I love playing tennis, and love the feel of leather grips (Fairway) I have recently been bitten by the leather bug, and it would take too long to list all the leather items I have acquired. For fun, and just because it is interesting, I am thinking about making a leather tennis grip. I see all the awesome designs on here, and I hate to admit, it might be better to enlist one of your services, for a custom grip. Sometimes it's better left to the experts Nonetheless, I would like to learn some things, and I enjoy reading your posts. This is a great site, and so far, everyone seems to be really cool/nice. Thank you for your time, and for any information. I hope to join the community, and possibly get into creating some awesome leather items!! Have a great day!!!
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